day twenty five and twenty six.
Randomness is seeing a bike sitting outside a coffee shop, in the middle of a mall in central Manila.
It reminded me of Amsterdam, how bikes sit everywhere in the city and how they overwhelm the city's roads. There were millions of them tracing the city, and I remember how free I felt when I rode through the canals. Amsterdam will always be a place I think of often.

I wish I had been more focused on it, time seems to have passed so quickly and I found myself forgetting to capture my day behind my lens. But I'm sure I'll get there eventually, all I know is, I am seeing the world in a different way. My lens has been slowly training my eyes to see, to capture, to discover and to create. And this I am grateful for.
hi rae!
the questions for the parenting interview are ready. do you have an emailaddy for me so that i could send them with email? i am looking forward to your answers! much love, dorothy
absolutely beautiful photo. it looks so european. you are so talented.
i'm back...
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