They say that feeling of that one love affair that existed in your life, the one that gave you shivers down your spine, the one that gave you butterflies (and still does) in your tummy, the one that you dreamt of every night, the one you shed tears over, will never go away.
Mine has lasted over a decade.
And will never cease to fade.
The only difference is that my love affair was not one with a boy but one with New York. It was short and sweet. It took my breath away. It caused my heart to palpitate in ways I could never have imagined. It gave me chills when I breathed in its life. It broke my heart fourteen years ago when I knew i wouldn't be back. That one relationship I can't let go of, the one that holds my heart in an unimaginable grasp.
The one that got away.

{image via Jessica Illustration}

{NYC sketches via Robert Scholten}
wow babe, this is genius xx
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