... but August still continues takes my breath away....
1. August brought me three new contracts for my design company, two of which gave
me handshakes that sealed the deal in just one day.
me handshakes that sealed the deal in just one day.
2. We now have another to begin concepts for.
3. It gave me a memorable last trip to LA for a long time, one that left me with butterflies
in my tummy remembering the laughter we all shared in just one night.
in my tummy remembering the laughter we all shared in just one night.
4. It let me see family that I hadn't seen in a few years, it allowed me to get to know a
cousin I never properly knew before. I like that time allows you to do this.
cousin I never properly knew before. I like that time allows you to do this.
5. It gave me an evening with girlfriends, with good food, good conversation and a
chance to just be me.
chance to just be me.
6. I had the August Break, where I gave myself the goal to blog everyday. I don't see that I
have failed this project, I see that it gave me a chance to aim for something and realise
that not everything goes as planned and sometimes life just happens.
have failed this project, I see that it gave me a chance to aim for something and realise
that not everything goes as planned and sometimes life just happens.
7. It gave this non-diva a champagne lunch with two wonderful divas in my life. Sometimes
a girl just needs that end of the week surreal escape.
a girl just needs that end of the week surreal escape.
8. It allowed us a family Sunday afternoon in bed, where three of us did nothing at all with
no guilt. This is not something that happens often.
no guilt. This is not something that happens often.
9. August gave me hope again, simple hope that if you really believe that things will get
better, they will. It's been awhile since I've pat myself on the back. Recently, I've had
invisible bruises from all the beat downs I give myself.
better, they will. It's been awhile since I've pat myself on the back. Recently, I've had
invisible bruises from all the beat downs I give myself.
10. .... and best of all, it allowed me to bid it goodbye in this place, where the silence
was a little deafening for this urban girl but where the sun rays peeked through the palm
trees in this humid tropical province, where the crickets sang loudly but a place where I
saw a new beginning for this doubtful mind of mine.
was a little deafening for this urban girl but where the sun rays peeked through the palm
trees in this humid tropical province, where the crickets sang loudly but a place where I
saw a new beginning for this doubtful mind of mine.
I'm starting to believe that things are really looking up and that perhaps finally, my dreams
are coming true.
are coming true.
So, August, thank you.

A little curiosity found me reading back on last years August Break end and look at what I found. Funny how I found myself in the same place, at the same time of year, in a COMPLETELY different mind set.What one year (and patience) can bring.
This is a great post and reflection on the month. Bravo! BTW...I have the same issue with August Break. I was really excited both years to get started and see the month through the camera lens ...but life had different plans...good plans, but different none the less. Either way, committing to a new plan is always a good thing. It shows we can embrace change and take on exciting new goals.
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