But the ocean was calling my name. The clouds reflected onto the silver waters; grey, misty and cold. The wind whisked me away from reality onto an island that brought tropical rainstorms and sombre, moody skies.
Momentarily on a quiet Friday morning while my friends were still sleeping, I walked miles down a somewhat deserted beach. I watched the toned woman practicing her morning yoga, meditating and breathing within the oceans reach. I watched the mother and child collect shells along the shore. I watched couples stroll hand in hand. And while I watched life pass by around me, I breathed in my moment. I let the crisp air kiss my skin as my shutter clicked away and rejuvenated my mind as I wrote words that freely filled the pages of my journal.
So yes, this space was neglected. But just know that I have not disappeared. I just took a little time out for a little bit of discovery, unravelling and adventure.
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