Captured: the year that was my two thousand and ten.

my two thousand and ten :
- it taught me challenges.
- it gave me old and new friends.
- i took my son to his first day of preschool and felt my tears well up in my whole body.
- i learned about my 3 year old camera in one basic class and rediscovered my love for photography.
- i started a blog that originally started here and can't imagine being without it now.
- i unravelled.
- i saw one of the philippines' 7100 islands in two trips.
- i saw hong kong with different eyes.
- i saw my son grow from a baby into a little boy.
- i began to feel at home in a place that i grew up.
- i saw my best friend become a mother.
- we moved to a new house and have made it our home.
- it brought me patience
- it brought me an understanding that everything has happened for a reason.
- its brought me hope that the new year will be the year that i can shine, the year that i can make it through and perhaps that year that i can find myself in that deep sea of creatives and be above the waters where i am breathing and nothing will be pulling me down.

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